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鴻騰布局EV再下一城 運動通勤族不用低頭也能操作儀表板
786鴻騰布局EV再下一城 運動通勤族不用低頭也能操作儀表板2022-03-0800:06:349ns_盧沛瑄MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC7766,ZC7805,ZC707 1 1 總覽 0 4506 ns_盧沛瑄 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif
鴻騰精密科技 QSFP-DD 800G 連接器/線纜互連方案 現身OFC
與IC 大廠Broadcom/測試大廠MultiLane現場展示800G相關方案
785鴻騰精密科技 QSFP-DD 800G 連接器/線纜互連方案 現身OFC2022-03-0723:43:039ns_盧沛瑄MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC7766,ZC7805,ZC707 2 0 總覽 0 4484 ns_盧沛瑄 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif
鴻騰精密助力明泰科技完成全球首台48埠25G BASE-T乙太網路交換機

10G BASE-T升級到25G BASE-T的週期現正來臨!

鴻騰精密科技 25G BASE-T RJ45 現身DesignCon

助力 明泰科技 完成全球首台 48 埠25G BASE-T 乙太網路交換機


台灣 - 2021年8月16日 - 鴻騰精密科技(簡稱FIT,香港交易所代碼:6088)將在2021年8月16 - 18日於美國San Jose McEnery Convention Center的DesignCon展會與明泰科技的 48 埠 25G BASE-T 乙太網路交換機聯合展出FIT最新推出的網絡通訊產品25G BASE-T RJ45 。這是世上第一台25G雙絞線 (LAN cable) 傳輸的48埠交換機方案。因應5G、大數據、雲計算、AI、車聯網、自動駕駛和萬物聯網 (IoT)等趨勢需求,這個方案可以提供給客戶對未來10G BASE-T升級與對邊緣運算長遠佈局一個更經濟與更有價值的選擇。FIT有幸能參與全球首台25G BASE-T乙太網路交換機的問世,同時亦是FIT第一次向外體現5G AIoT戰略規劃的實踐。在展會現場,FIT亦有展示400G & 800G QSFP-DD、PCIe5、DDR5、高速線纜等5G互聯方案產品。


從10G BASE-T升級到25GBASE-T的週期現正來臨 ! 而FIT 的25G Integrated RJ45已經於2020 年11月問世,遵循IEEE 802.3bq規格,並且可向下相容10G 腳位,減少更換對應投資配置的考量。在資料中心和企業網路中部署了約1億埠10G BASE-T RJ45,主要OEM出貨量約為1500萬埠/年。此外,IEEE 802.3bq 定義了25G BASE-T/ 40G BASE-T實體層和管理參數,可以通過銅纜來進行的更高資料速率的通信,再依據實際需求,讓25G BASE-T有更廣泛的應用需求。


FIT技術長王卓民先生表示:「鴻騰持續在5G AIoT戰略佈局上佈署,由幾年前參與IEEE 802.3bq規格的討論制定,2020年展開25G BASE-T RJ45的開發,為需要升級與布局的客戶提供優選的互連解決方案,都是對5G AIoT趨勢布局的體現。鴻騰期許與業界交換機與服務器廠商長期合作,為更好的互聯環境級做貢獻,共創雙贏局面。」


25G RJ45應用:

數據中心的ToR/ MoR Switch & Server

企業網的 Access/ Aggregation Switch & Server


25G RJ45優點:


除支持30米Cat7A/ Cat8線纜外,另可支援10米Cat6A線纜 (搭配客戶設計方案選用)。

向下相容10G BASE-T,可以靈活地先升級25G BASE-T Switch或Server。

用最少的投資從10G BASE-T無縫接軌升級到25G BASE-T系統。

• 25G BASE-T RJ 腳位與FIT的10G BASE-T RJ相同。 

圖1. FIT開發的1x1與2x8 25G BASE-T針對server與Switch的應用


圖2. FIT與明泰科技將於DesignCon25G BASE-T的動態展示


關於鴻騰精密科技(FIT Hon Teng







歐美區 電子郵件:

亞洲區 電子郵件:

19012鴻騰精密助力明泰科技完成全球首台48埠25G BASE-T乙太網路交換機2021-08-1613:23:05.37782
MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC7805,ZC695,ZC7766 3 1 總覽 0 2190
Belkin International 及 Uponor 進一步投資 Phyn 1200萬美元


Phyn Announces $12M Additional Investment from Joint Venture Partners

Belkin International and Uponor


LOS ANGELES May 9, 2019 Phyn, the leader in intelligent water solutions, today announced a $12M investment from its parent companies Belkin International and Uponor. The new investment will be used towards ongoing research and new product development, growing its footprint in the US, and continuing its expansion into global markets.  


“Phyn has had a remarkable start to the year with our expansion into Europe, and exciting partnerships with insurance providers and municipalities,” states Ryan Kim, CEO, Phyn. “This new round of funding is a validation of our current leadership position in the smart water solutions market and paves the way for us to continue to seize the incredible growth opportunities that lay before us.”


The investment comes on the heels of Phyn’s launch across the European market. In addition to the U.S. and Canada, Phyn Plus now brings its intelligent water management to the smart home experience for customers in Finland, Sweden, France and Spain, with Germany and other countries to follow later this year. On the domestic front, Phyn is partnering with local government entities to advance water conservation efforts including a rebate program with Southern Nevada Water Authority in Las Vegas, and a commercial pilot with the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico. As part of this pilot, Phyn Plus units have been installed in restaurants throughout the city to help business owners conserve water, prevent plumbing-related issues and save on operating costs while providing valuable data driven insights to the utility and city managers.


Phyn Plus, Smart water assistant shutoff is a powerful smart home device that continuously monitors a home’s entire plumbing system to detect leaks, conserve water, and save money. Utilizing patented machine learning technology, the device measures tiny changes in water pressure – 240 times a second – to detect plumbing issues (i.e. freezing pipes, pinhole leaks or catastrophic bursts) in real time and can remotely shut off the main water supply to prevent costly damage. Phyn Plus provides granular detail on water usage allowing homeowners to view water consumption across fixtures such as sinks, toilets, showers, and sprinkler systems all through the Phyn app. Homeowners can also ask Amazon Alexa about their water consumption and even turn off their water using voice commands.


Phyn is a joint venture between Belkin International and Uponor. With this investment, Phyn will continue to be equally owned by Belkin International and Uponor.


About Phyn

Phyn is the leading intelligent water brand, bringing solutions to market that help people protect their homes, conserve water and save money. Built upon nearly a decade of research and patented technological innovation, Phyn is poised to change the way consumers interact with water and help solve the major challenges threatening the world's supply of clean, healthy water. Phyn is backed by Belkin International, a global leader in consumer technology, Networking, Smart Home and Smart City, and Uponor, a leading provider of plumbing for residential and commercial spaces worldwide with North American headquarters located in Apple Valley, Minn. The parent company Uponor Corporation is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki, Finland. Phyn is headquartered in Torrance, Calif. To learn more, visit


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19011Belkin International 及 Uponor 進一步投資 Phyn 1200萬美元2019-05-1317:42:21.95782
MsgArticle---2019-05-09 00:00:002023-12-31 00:00:00 ZC7766 ZC7805,ZC695,ZC7766 4 0 總覽 0 1129
鴻海集團 鴻騰精密旗下貝爾金旗艦店 進駐三創

鴻海集團 鴻騰精密旗下貝爾金旗艦店 進駐三創


March 9, 2019



依據鴻海集團旗下三創發布的預告,三創生活園區董事長郭守正將為鴻海集團旗下鴻騰精密收購的Belkin系列LinksysWemo產品品牌首家旗艦店進駐三創活動站台。另外,Belkin International亞太區總經理吳崢等人預計將出席。









19009鴻海集團 鴻騰精密旗下貝爾金旗艦店 進駐三創2020-03-0614:43:03.11782
MsgArticle---2019-03-11 00:00:002023-12-31 00:00:00 ZC7766 ZC7805,ZC695,ZC7766 5 1 總覽 0 1472
達互連願景 貝爾金攜智能物聯新品驚豔CES 2019

達互連願景 貝爾金攜智能物聯新品驚豔CES 2019


January 10, 2019






作為近年來CES大展上的一項重要分類,智慧家居類產品與技術每年都能吸引數千種新產品的投入與展示,今年自然也不例外。而在去年已被鴻海子公司鴻騰收購的貝爾金則繼續以獨立品牌在智慧物聯技術上不斷探索,並憑藉LinksysWemoPhyn等主要品牌持續發力。在本屆CES展會上,貝爾金不僅推出了新款三頻網狀網無線路由器--Linksys Max Stream AC2200MR8300),還展示了最新的WeMo智慧控制系列,以及Phyn Plus智慧水流檢測裝置等智慧家居解決方案,吸引大量觀眾駐足圍觀。




貝爾金公司的業務於 1983 年始創於美國加州霍桑 (Hawthorne) 一家車庫裡,該公司是周邊產品的全球領先廠商,為電腦、數碼和移動產品的使用者提供創新的連接技術。貝爾金公司創始人Chet Pipkin在創建貝爾金的時候,願景是通過人性激勵產品的發展,讓人們享受科技帶來的力量和優勢,所以,長期以來,貝爾金一直以使萬物互聯為追求目標。如今,Chet Pipkin更喜歡“全球化的思考,實際落地執行”來對待貝爾金所做的每一件事情,正是由於如此的想法和做法,使得公司收穫了與目標相符的成果。


貝爾金公司創始人Chet Pipkin(左)和鴻騰精密科技CEO Sidney Lu(右)


20183月,鴻海在香港的子公司鴻騰精密科技宣佈以8.66億美元並購美國消費電子製造商貝爾金。鴻騰精密科技CEO Sidney Lu介紹到,在收購貝爾金後,使得貝爾金擁有更強大的供應鏈支援。因為貝爾金在推出產品的時候,往往優先考慮用戶的使用體驗,使用後的回饋,所以在兩家公司合併後,貝爾金可以依託於鴻騰的供應鏈、生產製造能力,使其在產品的設計、品質、應用體驗等方面,在市場中更加具有競爭力。




放眼全球,隨著網狀網Wi-Fi的興起,貝爾金憑藉旗下的Linksys Velop陣容已迅速成為該市場上的重要參與者之一,並且成為蘋果官方商城內唯一合作的Wi-Fi系統品牌。而在CES2019大展上,我們也看到其最新推出的Linksys MR8300網狀網路由器。該路由器支持三頻段Wi-Fi12.4GHz 802.11n25GHz 802.11ac),整機併發無線速率可達2200Mbps。外置4個帶波束成形的可調天線,可為使用者提供廣闊的信號覆蓋。後面則搭載4個千兆有線LAN埠,以及1USB 3.0埠,便於網路存儲等外設產品的連接與共用。這款新路由器的定價為199.99美元(約合1363元人民幣),已可在國外的百思買和亞馬遜上購買,官網更有20美元的優惠(實售價179.99美元)。


Linksys MR8300三頻網狀網路由器


Linksys MR8300三頻網狀網路由器


在展臺上,還能看到針對智慧家居領域推出的WeMo智慧控制系列,包括WeMo 3路電燈開關、WeMo調光器、WeMo Mini智慧插座和WeMo Insight智慧插座等新品。而這些新品最大的優勢即可直接相容Apple HomeKit協定,使用者通過iOS設備如蘋果iPhone或直接與Siri通話進行管控,無需再借助之前的Wemo Bridge配件了。據悉,這些新品將在2019年春/夏在Wemo網站上發售,其中的3路電燈開關售價則為49.99美元(約合341元人民幣)。








Chet Pipkin認為這是一種非侵入性的測量方法,有時候,用戶可以選擇家中安置攝像頭來監控整個家,當有些用戶會認為家中有攝像頭心裡不安,用戶會困擾家中攝像頭帶來的隱私問題,所以選擇一種舒適的方式來將使用者與家連接起來,這就是貝爾金公司的願景。


當然Phyn Plus智慧水流檢測裝置不僅僅能夠關注家人使用水的狀態,還可以安裝到家裡的主水管上,用於檢測自來水洩漏,並可自動關閉水源防止洪水氾濫。它還能監測用水量,並向使用者提供相關節點的資訊。使用者通過智慧手機APPAmazon語音助手Alexa就能控制它。可以說,該產品非常適合物業管理公司或希望裝備現代智慧家居的新住宅建築商選配。目前這款產品已在北美開售,售價為850美元(約合5769元人民幣), 歐洲也即將到貨,敬請期待。


除了上述三大品類外,今年Belkin還展示了很多周邊配件,如新型Boost Charge LightningUSB-C電纜,可最大限度地提高耐用性和強度。有些甚至提供Quick Charge 4.0技術,可以通過相容的手機更快地充電。今年夏天還要推出可為iPhone使用者提供直接Lightning介面的Rockstar耳機,更高版本也將包括USB-C等等。



19010達互連願景 貝爾金攜智能物聯新品驚豔CES 20192019-04-1117:45:01.72382
MsgArticle---2019-01-21 00:00:002023-12-31 00:00:00 ZC7766 ZC7805,ZC695,ZC7766 6 0 總覽 0 850

Belkin who merged with Foxconn subsidiary dealing with Apple genuine products is unveiled at CES 2019

Resource from: Engadget Japan

January 11, 2019



At CES 2019, Belkin exhibited the USB - C to Lightning cable.
The price is 25 to 29 dollars (about 3000 yen to 3500 yen) and it will be released this spring


Kevlar fiber with high durability is used for covering the cable. Terminal part is also molded as one piece. Though USB - C to Lightning cable which was not quite approved from Apple, third - party product finally appeared.



Recently, Belkin was bought by Foxconnn Interconnect Technology (FIT) last March and it is under FIT, along with brands like Linksys, Wemo and Phyn. At the CES 2019 venue in Las Vegas, USA, FIT CEO Sidney Lu and Mr. Chet Pipkin, founder and CEO of Belkin, both appeared in the booth and corresponded to the media (top of the article: left Mr. Chet, right is Sidney).

FIT is a subsidiary of Foxconn, a manufacturer that manufactures genuine Apple accessories such as cables, power supplies and earphones that come with the iPhone. Mr. Sidney is involved from the founding of Foxconn, after 20 years of working, he spun off and launched FIT in 2013. Mr. Chet says that he founded Belkin on his motto "Make the technology easy to use," and it has been scaled around the world.The common concept of both is "connecting (connection)." The aim is to expand the scale of the group based in Asia based on this timing when wired was the wireless era. When asked about the division of roles between the two parties, FIT says product direction, management, and manufacturing, and Belkin says it will promote innovation through branding and software development.

On the other hand, is it fair for other third parties since Belkin merged with FIT? The question comes to mind. Mr. Chet said "(for C to Lightning cable) other third parties will be released at the same time." In fact, the schedule around that is scheduled in the past MFi (Made for iPod, Made for iPhone, Made for iPad) It seems to be done to the fair even if we look at the release timing of the product.


Nonetheless, the company Belkin itself is originally close to the Apple, and there are many Apple Store limited items and so on, and cables and the like that are not released by the Apple themselves are arranged in directly managed shops with Belkin.

Although it does not explicitly say, FIT will continue to manufacture genuine Apple goods, so it seems that the advantage of the company which put wireless field in hand increases more and more.


Wemo is a home appliance approach from Linksys to a brand responsible for the IoT field


Phyn's water pipe management system. IoT for infrastructure to manage and control water volume

In addition to the C to Lightning cable at the CES venue, many unpublished products in Japan were unveiled.


Lightning, type C direct connection earphone. It is scheduled to be released in a price range not so expensive


iPad Pro (2018) faster than the one supplied, 27 WAC adapter is also preparing


Mobile charging battery with lightning female charging terminal
Audio adapter for Lightning and Type C
Stand that can charge iPhone and Apple Watch at the same time. Direct-managed store limited model changes design and sells normally
MsgArticle---2019-01-21 00:00:002023-12-31 00:00:00 ZC7766 ZC7805,ZC695,ZC7766 7 1 總覽 0 617