產品家族:Product Family: $emFamily$
產品系列:Product Series: $ClassName$
產品序號:Product Number: $VdrCode$
描述:Product Description:$PrdDesc$
可用狀態:Status Available: Active 
$('.clk_$XmlID$').on('click', function(){ CtrlBtn_click_($XmlID$,this); });
產品規格 Features
接點數Number of Positions
排數Number Of Rows
插件類型PCB Mount Style
定位柱Terminal Post
接點型式Termination Type
接觸材質Contact Material
電鍍Plating Material
封裝方式Material Housing
Replaced ProductReplaced Product
線纜總成Cable Assembly
線纜長度Cable Length
操作電壓Voltage Rating
Agency ApprovalsAgency Approvals
結合高度Connector Height (mm)
塑料本體顏色Color - Housing
定位柱長度Terminal Post Height
波形因數Form Factor
最長距離MThe Longest Distance
導電性材料Plating Material
堆疊高度(mm)Stack Height(mm)
耐久性Durability(Mating cycles)
操作電流(A)Contact Current Rating(Max)(A)
操作溫度Operating Temperature Range
焊腳長Weld Length
Product TypeProduct Type
光纖樣式Fabric Type
邏輯介面Logic Interface
資料速率Data Rating
淨重(g)Net Weight(g)
Grid SpacingGrid Spacing
電鍍膜厚(µin)Plating Material Thickness (µin)
電流(A)Contact Current Rating(Max)(A)
連接器長度(mm)Connector Length(mm)
連接器寬度(mm)Connector Width(mm)
連接器高度(mm)Connector Height(mm)
鐵殼電鍍Shell Plating
插入力(N)Insertino Force(N)
拔出力(N)Extraction Force(N)
塑料材質Material Housing
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