產品家族:Product Family: $ClassName$
產品系列:Product Series: $ClassName$
產品序號:Product Number: $VdrCode$
描述:Product Description:$PrdDesc$
可用狀態:Status Available: Active
RoHS: $Rohsstatus$
$('.clk_$XmlID$').on('click', function(){ CtrlBtn_click_($XmlID$,this); });
產品規格 Specifications
接點數Number of Positions |
$numpositions$ |
排數Number Of Rows |
$numrow$ |
插件類型PCB Mount Style |
$pcbmountstyle$ |
顏色 Color |
$color$ |
定位柱Terminal Post |
$terminatepost$ |
接點型式Termination Type |
$soldertailtype$ |
接觸材質Contact Material |
$contactmaterials$ |
接觸類型Contact Type |
$contacttype$ |
電鍍Plating Material |
$plating$ |
前置時間 (Week) Lead Time (Week) |
$leadttimeValue$ |
封裝方式Material Housing |
$packagingmethod$ |
最少訂購量 (pc)Minimum Order Quantity (pc) |
$mqq$ |
Replaced ProductReplaced Product |
$replacedproduct$ |
系列Series |
$series$ |
線纜總成Cable Assembly |
$cableassembly$ |
線纜長度Cable Length |
$cablelength$ |
KeyingKeying |
$keying$ |
操作電壓Voltage Rating |
$operatingvoltage$ |
絕緣電阻Resistance(MΩ) |
$insulationresistance$ |
Agency ApprovalsAgency Approvals |
$agencyapprovals$ |
間距Pitch |
$pitch$ |
結合長度Length |
$matinglength$ |
插件角度Orientation |
$pcbmountangle$ |
結合高度Connector Height (mm) |
$matingheight$ |
塑料本體顏色Color - Housing |
$housingcolor$ |
定位柱長度Terminal Post Height |
$terminationpostlength$ |
發射器Rejector |
$emitter$ |
電源(瓦數)Power(W) |
$Powerw$ |
波形因數Form Factor |
$formfactor$ |
最長距離MThe Longest Distance
$maxdistancem$ |
RoHS StatusRoHS Status |
$Rohsstatus$ |
BuBu |
$bu$ |
導電性材料Plating Material |
$conductormaterial$ |
堆疊高度Stack Height (mm) |
$stackheight$ |
耐久性Durability(Mating cycles) |
$durability$ |
操作電流Contact Current Rating |
$operatingcurrent$ |
操作溫度Operating Temperature Range |
$operatingtemperature$ |
焊腳長Weld Length |
$taillength$ |
Product TypeProduct Type |
$producttype$ |
光纖樣式Fabric Type |
$fibertype$ |
應用產業Application |
$applyindustry$ |
邏輯介面Logic Interface |
$Interfacelogic$ |
資料速率Data Rating |
$datarate$ |
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