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Foxconn Interconnect Technology Showcases PCIe6 and PCIe7 with Alphawave Semi at DesignCon 2025.
Santa Clara, Calif., January 28, 2025 -- Foxconn Interconnect Technology (6088.HK) (“FIT”), a leading connective solution provider creating powerful connections for a better world, today announced the demonstration of it’s PCI Express® (PCIe®) 6.0 signal transmission through their CDFP SMT connector with a Passive DAC cable and also PCIe 7.0®-capable transmission through their OSFP-XD SMT connector with a Passive DAC cable at the DesignCon 2025 exhibition in Santa Clara, California from January 28th to January 30th, 2025.
27386Foxconn Interconnect Technology Showcases PCIe6 and PCIe7 with Alphawave Semi at DesignCon 2025.2025-01-2913:55:5420934楊淨菡MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC7766,ZC707,ZC7805 1 1 總覽 0 348 楊淨菡 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif
FIT Voltaira Group Completes Acquisition of Auto-Kabel Group
FIT Voltaira Group (Voltaira), a leading system supplier of sensor, connectivity, and electrification solutions, specializing in wire harness technologies, today announced the completion of its acquisition of Auto-Kabel Group as of November 29, 2024. Auto-Kabel, based in Hausen im Wiesental, Germany (Baden-Wurttemberg), is a pioneer in e-mobility and a technology leader in automotive power distribution and management.
26853FIT Voltaira Group Completes Acquisition of Auto-Kabel Group2024-12-0207:59:1820934楊淨菡MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC7766,ZC7805,ZC707 2 0 總覽 0 1565 楊淨菡 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif
Ministry of Energy Announces Joint Venture Between Saleh Suleiman Alrajhi & Sons and Foxconn Interconnect Technology to Advance Vision 2030 with Future Plans for Locally-made EV Chargers.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia –Ministry of Energy has announced the formation of a groundbreaking joint venture between Saleh Suleiman Alrajhi & Sons and Foxconn Interconnect Technology (FIT), a highly esteemed global manufacturer to support the Kingdom's Vision 2030. The partnership aims to produce Saudi-made electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, strengthening Saudi Arabia’s leadership in renewable energy and technological innovation.
26705Ministry of Energy Announces Joint Venture Between Saleh Suleiman Alrajhi & Sons and Foxconn Interconnect Technology to Advance Vision 2030 with Future Plans for Locally-made EV Chargers.2024-10-2311:02:4026620PollyMsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC707,ZC7766,ZC7805 3 1 總覽 0 2862 Polly 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif
Voltaira to Showcase Comprehensive Mobility Solutions and Product Lifecycle Expertise at IZB 2024
Voltaira Group, a leading provider of sensor, connectivity, and electrification solutions specializing in wire harness technologies, is proud to announce its participation at the International Suppliers Fair (IZB) 2024, taking place in Wolfsburg, Germany. At the event, Voltaira will unveil its comprehensive solutions portfolio and highlight its product lifecycle management expertise, reinforcing its pivotal role in shaping the future of sustainable mobility.
26695Voltaira to Showcase Comprehensive Mobility Solutions and Product Lifecycle Expertise at IZB 20242024-10-2110:33:5020934楊淨菡MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC707,ZC7766,ZC7805 4 0 總覽 0 1249 楊淨菡 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif
FIT Hon Teng Showcases AI Data Center Connectivity and Immersion-Cooled Signal Integrity Solutions at OCP Global Summit 2024
Hong Kong – October 16, 2024 – FIT Hon Teng (6088-HK), a subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry (2317-TW), will unveil its latest advancements in AI data center connectivity and immersion-cooling technologies at the upcoming 2024 OCP Global Summit. Hosted by the Open Compute Project (OCP), this prestigious event brings together global leaders in hardware infrastructure design, addressing the evolving demands of modern data centers.
26677FIT Hon Teng Showcases AI Data Center Connectivity and Immersion-Cooled Signal Integrity Solutions at OCP Global Summit 20242024-10-1610:17:0620934楊淨菡MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC707,ZC7766,ZC7805 5 1 總覽 0 1344 楊淨菡 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif
FIT Hon Teng Showcases AI Data Center Connectivity and Immersion-Cooled Signal Integrity Solutions at OCP Global Summit 2024
Hong Kong – October 16, 2024 – FIT Hon Teng (6088-HK), a subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry (2317-TW), will unveil its latest advancements in AI data center connectivity and immersion-cooling technologies at the upcoming 2024 OCP Global Summit. Hosted by the Open Compute Project (OCP), this prestigious event brings together global leaders in hardware infrastructure design, addressing the evolving demands of modern data centers.
26677FIT Hon Teng Showcases AI Data Center Connectivity and Immersion-Cooled Signal Integrity Solutions at OCP Global Summit 20242024-10-1610:17:0620934楊淨菡MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC707,ZC7766,ZC7805 6 0 總覽 0 1344 楊淨菡 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif
Foxconn Interconnect Technology showcases AI data center connectivity solutions at HHTD24 Hon Hai Technology Day
[Taipei/Hong Kong – October 7, 2024] Foxconn Interconnect Technology (FIT, 6088-HK), a subsidiary of Foxconn Technology Group (2317-TW), participated in the annual flagship event HHTD24 (Hon Hai Tech Day 2024. At this event, FIT showcased a range of innovative products with a primary focus on AI data centers and smart automotive solutions.
26623Foxconn Interconnect Technology showcases AI data center connectivity solutions at HHTD24 Hon Hai Technology Day2024-10-0603:07:4220934楊淨菡MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC707,ZC7766,ZC7805 7 1 總覽 0 1610 楊淨菡 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif