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Voltaira Group Acquires Auto-Kabel Group in Germany – Strengthening Global Electrification Capabilities and Engineering Excellence
‧ Voltaira Group aims to become a major global systems supplier in the mobility market segment
‧ This acquisition further strengthens Voltaira Group's existing electrification portfolio
‧ The merger is expected to deliver unique value to mobility customers through a comprehensive product portfolio, extended internal value chain and enhanced synergies
26101Voltaira Group Acquires Auto-Kabel Group in Germany – Strengthening Global Electrification Capabilities and Engineering Excellence2024-07-1106:40:0520934楊淨菡MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC7766,ZC7805 1 1 總覽 0 1818 楊淨菡 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif
Expands into New Energy with Strategic JV and Launches New Charging Solutions
[Taipei, June 17, 2024] – Foxconn Interconnect Technology Ltd ("FIT", listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under 6088), a subsidiary of Hon Hai (TW.2317), is expanding its presence in the electric vehicle (EV) sector. Following the acquisition of Germany's SWH Group in 2023 and the launch of the Voltaira brand for its mobility solutions portfolio, FIT Hon Teng has formed a joint venture with XYPower Technology Co., Ltd., establishing FXNWING New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ("FXNWING") to enter the EV charger market.
25983Expands into New Energy with Strategic JV and Launches New Charging Solutions2024-06-1710:22:1120934楊淨菡MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC707,ZC7766,ZC7805 2 0 總覽 0 842 楊淨菡 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif
FIT Hong Teng Teams Up with MediaTek to Develop High-Speed Connectivity Solutions Using CPO
[March 25, 2024 - Taipei] AI-generated applications are escalating the demand for higher computing power. In response, Foxconn Interconnect Technology Ltd ("FIT", listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under 6088), a subsidiary of Hon Hai (TW.2317), is joining forces with MediaTek to co-develop a groundbreaking 51.2T solution, inclusive of Co-Packaged Optics (CPO).
25670FIT Hong Teng Teams Up with MediaTek to Develop High-Speed Connectivity Solutions Using CPO2024-03-2423:20:2220934楊淨菡MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC707,ZC7766,ZC7805 3 1 總覽 0 3230 楊淨菡 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif
FIT Hong Teng Showcase Innovative E-Bike Products at Taipei Cycle Show 2024.The intersection of technology and fashion takes center stage on two wheels!
[March 5, 2024 - Taipei] FIT Hong Teng (“FIT”, 6088-HK), in partnership with its automotive subsidiary brand Voltaira, unveils its products for the first time at the Taipei Cycle Show. In addition to showcasing E-Bike sensing products. FIT also introduces upgraded models equipped with an integrated E-Bike digital dashboard (FIT E-Bike HMI) and mmWave radar taillight, allowing attendees to be the first to experience the allure of future bicycle technology!
25585FIT Hong Teng Showcase Innovative E-Bike Products at Taipei Cycle Show 2024.2024-03-0503:10:4720934楊淨菡MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC707,ZC7805,ZC7766 4 0 總覽 0 2412 楊淨菡 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif
FIT Unveils 224G Tech at DesignCon 2024: Powering AI and Hyperscale FutureRevolutionizing Data Center Connectivity: FIT Unveils 224G Data Rates at DesignCon 2024 - A Leap Forward in AI and Machine Learning Era
[Santa Clara, 2023/01/29] – Foxconn Interconnect Technology (FIT), a frontrunner in the data center connectivity industry, proudly announces the launch of its 224G data rates for high-speed I/O and near-chip connectivity at this year's DesignCon. This groundbreaking development in 224G signifies a strategic step forward, preparing FIT and its key customers for the burgeoning data rates propelled by advancements in AI and machine learning.
25498FIT Unveils 224G Tech at DesignCon 2024: Powering AI and Hyperscale Future2024-01-3003:55:1320934楊淨菡MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC707,ZC7805,ZC7766 5 1 總覽 0 3240 楊淨菡 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif
FIT Showcases Multi-Gig Automotive Ethernet Cable and Connector Solutions at DesignCon 2024.10G multi-gigabit Automotive Ethernet link to be demonstrated over a 15-meter cable using Broadcom PHY technology.
Santa Clara, Calif., January 29, 2024 -- Foxconn Interconnect Technology (6088.HK) (“FIT”), a leading connective solution provider creating powerful connections for a better world, today announced the demonstration of its 10G multi-gigabit Automotive Ethernet cable and connector solutions at the DesignCon 2024 exhibition in Santa Clara, California from January 30th to February 1st.
25503FIT Showcases Multi-Gig Automotive Ethernet Cable and Connector Solutions at DesignCon 2024.2024-01-3006:27:2120934楊淨菡MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC707,ZC7766,ZC7805 6 0 總覽 0 1839 楊淨菡 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif
FIT (Foxconn Interconnect Technology) Hon Teng (HK.6088) Completes Acquisition of SWH Group and Introduces the New Name and Logo of Voltaira, Aligning with the Company’s Strategic Development Direction in the EV Industry
Pfullingen, Germany/Taipei, Taiwan – July 03, 2023 – FIT (Foxconn Interconnect Technology) Hon Teng Limited (HK.6088) (“FIT”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”), part of the world’s largest electronics manufacturer and leading technological solution provider, today announced that it has successfully completed the acquisition of Prettl SWH GmbH and its subsidiaries (the “SWH Group“), one of the leading developers and manufacturers of sensor, connectivity and electrification solutions, which will become acore pillar of FIT’s mobility division. The new company name FIT Voltaira Group GmbH (“FIT Voltaira”) fully aligns with FIT’s strategic development direction in the EV mobility business and is expected to create new growth engines for the Group. With this acquisition, FIT remains committed to enhance global technology and service capabilities, expands its global talent pool in the automotive and EV mobility business, in order to effectively meet customer demands.
23891FIT (Foxconn Interconnect Technology) Hon Teng (HK.6088) Completes Acquisition of SWH Group and Introduces the New Name and Logo of Voltaira, Aligning with the Company’s Strategic Development Direction in the EV Industry2023-07-0318:30:3720934楊淨菡MsgArticle--- ZC7766 ZC707,ZC7766,ZC7805 7 1 總覽 0 6717 楊淨菡 0 0 /main/wdb2/images/1x1.gif